Heal Your Trauma and Embrace the Courage to Love and Be Loved Authentically.
I'm Ready to Reclaim My Worth
Why Does It Matter?
Because you want to be loved and appreciated for who you are and not what you do.
You want to separate your self-worth from your outward achievements and your interpersonal relationships.
My goal is to empower superwomen to burn their cape to become balanced, respected, emotionally intelligent high-value women so they can embody the courage to create fulfilling connections.
To do that…
We'll Solve The 3 Biggest Problems That Stop Strong Independent Women
Yes I'm talking to you ;)…
These problems stop you from having the genuine connections and loving relationships you desire:


You Prioritize Achievements and Accomplishments


You Secretly Feel Unworthy and Suppress Your Needs


You Fail to Set Firm Boundaries
First, We'll Identify The Problems You Can't See.
The biggest issue most superwomen struggle with is that they prioritize accomplishments and achievements.
You are taught that your value comes from how well you sacrifice, perform, and don’t complain.
You are expected to be needless and wantless.
The truth is, you never had the right to be fragile or feminine.
…Not to mention, how many times have you heard strong women being referred to as “masculine?
I call bullsh*t.
The truth is, you love hard. You’re loyal, and you give your all, but no matter what you do it seems like it’s never enough.
But help is on the way.
I can teach you how to break the cycle and prioritize your needs.


Burn Your Cape
We'll start by burning your f*cking cape to free you from the pressure of being “savior” so you can stop performing and struggling with the pressure to be perfect. You can break-up with your imposter syndrome and stop trying to dodge the shame of thinking you’ve somehow failed. You’ll disrupt the unrealistically high standards you inherited including the beliefs that you have to be everything to everyone. You’ll be respected and appreciated for the woman and the human being that you are.


Redefine Love and Success
Next, you’ll take the brave step of becoming the author of your life by redefining love and success. You’ve been starring in your own drama acting out scripts based on trauma. Now, it’s about creating the balance you deserve and embracing the connection you crave. It’s time you learn how to honor your needs so you can focus on prioritizing your feelings and values. Happiness doesn’t come from striving, it's the inevitable gift of self-connection and fulfilling relationships.


Learn Fearless Vulnerability and Genuine Authenticity
Then, you’ll be ready READY to learn the practice of fearless vulnerability, natural femininity, and genuine authenticity so you can drop the mask and go from caretaker to main character in your love story.
You are Crystal Clear on Exactly How to Prioritize Your Need for Relationships and Fulfillment.
Listen… you might even mess around and attract a thoughtful, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent partner who can give you the soft-life you secretly desire.
The second big problem I see is that superwomen struggle with unworthiness because they suppress their needs and invalidate their feelings.
Why should someone respect your needs and honor your feelings if you don’t?
I know you’ve heard the saying, “you teach people how to treat you…”
If you don’t know your worth or you lose yourself in relationships it’s not only a toxic trait, it’s a destructive pattern…
But it’s not your fault…
The habit of ignoring red flags and ignoring your needs is something like “manifesting” make-believe …
Those ain’t relationships, they’re just fantasy survival partnerships.
Real relationships require your vulnerability and honesty.
Why the hell would someone give you more love than you give yourself?
…But that’s what you do! mic drop.
You already know the truth I’m lovingly about to confirm…
You need to be needed.
You enable, control, and avoid confrontation (which is why you avoid your feelings all for the purpose of “fixing” relationships that are well beyond repair.
You give to others more than you give yourself, and it’s time YOU fix YOUR life because no one is coming to save you.
To change the way you love…

We'll start by learning and affirming your emotional needs to cultivate self-worth. You will nourish yourself with self-acceptance and self-respect to quench that insatiable hunger to be validated by people who cannot love you, because they do not love themselves.
We bring that “can’t stop won’t stop” kinda healing energy.
You’ll learn how to be accountable for communicating your needs and expectations with emotional maturity to demand reciprocity.
You read that right!
You’ve been stuck, invisible, or silent in your relationships for far too long and your voice is what’s been missing.
You CAN learn how to express yourself without fear of judgment or abandonment because you’re building a secure relationship with yourself.
Remember beloved, (I’m sure auntie Iyanla would approve this message) Your standards are non-negotiable.
Learn Your Emotional Needs to Cultivate Self-Worth
Identify Your Relationship Needs to Align With Your Deepest Desires
Communicate Your Needs to Demand Reciprocity

The Result: You'll Feel Unconditionally Worthy
Because you have the confidence to express your needs.
You’ll become more assertive because you’re not only able to meet the needs of others, you EXPECT to get your needs met too.
Pause and sit with that.
How does it feel to own your right to be cared for, respected, and validated simply for just being authentic?
It’s time you reclaim your true inheritance of love.
You are so much more than your trauma because your soul is priceless.
The benefits of knowing your worth are that you’ll finally find the soulmate you’ve been desperately seeking…
Singing…“Twin, where have you been (If you know you know..)
Your spirit will confirm that your search is over and your heart will recognize its missing peace.
The truth you’ve managed to avoid for too long is…
You're the one you’ve been waiting for.
The connection, the intimacy, the affirmation, and the loyalty you desire- must come from you.
ALL of YOU is what all of your relationships require.
Knowing your worth is how you create more balanced, reciprocal, and loving relationships that pour into you and support you.
Break the Cycle
You'll finally break the cycle of toxic, emotionally draining, and unfulfilling relationships.
Become Naturally Attractive
You'll become more attractive, genuine, and feminine because you'll have the courage to love and be loved for who you are.
Create Mutually Respectful Connections
Your relationships will become interdependent, respectful, empathetic, and empowering.
The Third and Biggest Problem Of All Is You Fail to Set Boundaries
You are out here in these streets pretending to be prey.
You’ve surrendered your safety net.
….Stripped away the shields.
…Left the gates unlocked leaving your and your sanity vulnerable to plunder and invasion.
You fail to draw the line and you don’t set, hold, clarify, or communicate your own boundaries.
You excuse bad behavior and tell rational-lies when people cross your boundaries.
Then silence yourself.
You feel guilty when you want to speak up, unappreciated because you’re disrespected, and manipulated because you’ve been violated…
This habit of self-suppression is why you attract narcissists, gaslighters, scam likelys, and low-key demons…
…And it’s the reason why your kindness is always taken for weakness…
Define Your Standards and Limits
Define your standards and limits so you can change codependent patterns, empower assertiveness, build self-truth and promote healthy relationship dynamics.
Communicate Your Boundaries
We'll work together to practice assertively communicating your boundaries to protect your well-being, enhance emotional resilience, and promote self-respect.
Enforce Consequences
You'll create and communicate boundary consequences to elevate your self-esteem, prevent resentment, and empower self-accountability.
Introducting Worthe Woman
Worthe Woman and helping superwomen burn their cape, break the cycle of toxic relationships, and transform into healed and whole high-value worthy women who know how to be loved.
…Worthe will give you the blueprint to heal your relationship trauma and create fulfilling connections by developing the skills to cultivate self-worth, embrace fearless vulnerability, set firm boundaries, enhance emotional intelligence, and own your genuine authenticity.
Here's What You'll Get:


Immediate Access
Get immediate access to our Worthe Resources Library with over 100 masterclasses on healing relationship trauma.


Live Group Coaching
Meet for live group coaching every Tuesday and twice a month on Thursdays. No question is off limits.


Community Access
Access the Worthe community to connect with other members, ask questions, seek support, and vibe out.


Bonus Worthe Workbook
The Worthe Relationship Guide has over 12 Relationship worksheets and quizzes to help you create healthy relationships
Pricing and Guarantee
Join Worthe Woman for $99.00 a Month or $60.00 Biweekly
You can cancel anytime.
30-Day Money Back Worth and Wellness Warranty Guarantee
I'm offering the "Worth and Wellness Warranty" which is a 30-Day unconditional money back guarantee when you join Worthe Woman. Simply email hello@ceritayvonne.com if our community isn't a good fit for you and I will personally take care of you with no questions asked.
What You'll Experience:
Fall in Love with Yourself
You'll fall in love with your beautifully authentic soft-life and set clear boundaries.
Embrance Integrity
You'll become more empowered to show up with integrity and express yourself honestly.
Respect Your "No"
You'll refine and respect your "NO" and set clear boundaries without guilt or fear.
Deeper Intimacy
You'll have healthier relationships and deeper intimacy because you have the courage to be loved for who you are.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I'm not ready for a relationship?
The Worthe program is designed to help you cultivate self-worth and healthy boundaries, regardless of your relationship status. The focus is on healing yourself first, so that you can attract and maintain healthy relationships when you're ready.
How long does the program last?
The Worthe program is an ongoing membership, with new content and live coaching sessions added regularly. However, most women see significant shifts in their mindset and relationships within the first 90 days. YOU CAN CANCEL ANYTIME by accessing your account.
Is this program only for women?
Worthe Woman is a safe haven specifically for women healing from relationship trauma.
Take the First Step


Invest in Yourself
Joining Worthe is an investment in your personal growth, self-worth, and future relationships.


Break Free
Break free from the cycle of toxic relationships and embrace the courage to love and be loved authentically.


Join the Sisterhood
Become part of a supportive sisterhood of women who are on the same journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Your Time is Now
Don't let fear, doubt, or toxic patterns hold you back any longer. The Worthe Woman program is your opportunity to break free, heal, and step into your power as a high-value woman who deserves healthy, fulfilling relationships.
The journey won't be easy, but you don't have to walk it alone. Join the Worthe Woman sisterhood today and let us support you every step of the way.